We leave in exactly two weeks!
First, we are headed on Thanksgiving Day to Paris, France. Our flight leaves at 5:20pm and we arrive in Paris on Friday at 6:35am. We then stay in Paris until Sunday morning around 11am. We arrive in Nairobi, Kenya sometime that evening. Monday we fly out for our Safari at the Serena Mara- about 400 miles away. We stay there until Wednesday evening and head back to Nairobi. We then have the convention for four days (Thursday-Sunday). Monday, we take a day tour to a lake and then we start heading back on Tuesday. We actually leave Tuesday afternoon and we don't arrive back to Nashville until Wednesday- around 10pm. I think we actually fly for more than a day when we come back! WOW!! (I have medication for this- I know how I am.... I pity Ryan for having to travel back with me!)
Feel free to leave comments. Just click on the comment button and then if you have a google account or something similar, then you can post your message. You can also set up your account to follow anytime I post something new (POST-Atom button at the bottom of the page). I would love to hear from you while I'm gone. I'll try to post as many pictures as I can, as well.
Today, Ryan and I finalized our cards that we are planning on handing out at the convention. I'll try to post two pictures- one of the front and one of the back of the postcard- so that you can see it. We'll see how well 'the handing of the cards' turns out. :)
Sharla - I am predicting that this trip will top all of the trips you've ever been on. Have fun!
Your favorite sister - Mellie K.
Can't wait to hear and see all your adventures. What a beautiful blessing from our creator.
So happy for you two! Love you lots!
I LOVE your cards by the way!!!! The colors are awesome and the picture of you & Ryan is great!
Have fun Sharla! I'm sure it will be an amazing adventure! Hugs from Missouri! :) -Chava and Sam
I am very excited for you, Sharla. This is sure to be a once in a lifetime adventure! I can't wait to read the stories and see pictures on your blog! Keep us posted!
Have a Fun Trip, may Jehovah bless your efforts to go to this special convention.
Hey Sharla, Love the blog idea... Now I get to live vicariously ;)
Also love the cards they are so beautiful. - Joyce
I am going to miss you guys so much I could not be happier even if i was going with you I love you and I want you guys to have the time of your life , don't think about anything here just look to the future! love Alicia Drumwright :)
This is a nice experience. Hope one day in paradise everyone will have the opportunity to travel across the world and see the wonders of the universe. Anthony Tsuma: atsuna@softhome.net.
I am very excited for you, Sharla. This is sure to be a once in a lifetime adventure!
See you at The international convention in Nairobi. Will be travelling to Nairobi from Mombasa for the convention on Tuesday night reach Nairobi Wednesday morning. Thanks
This is a nice experience. Hope one day in paradise everyone will have the opportunity to travel across the world and see the wonders of the universe. atsuma@softhome.net.
I am very excited for you, Sharla. This is sure to be a once in a lifetime adventure!
See you at The international convention in Nairobi. Will be travelling to Nairobi from Mombasa for the convention on Tuesday night reach Nairobi Wednesday morning. Thanks
Sounds awesome already! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. My love you & Ryan.
Becky Dalla Valle
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